Piaget's Theory

Tugas yang paling menyenangkan menurut gue ya itu. Menggambar. haha. How happy am I when I know that. We are 25 students got assignment to make a Mindmap about Piaget's Theory. and this is my work art. I make it so simple. why? I don't know, I just wanna make it like this. 
And, if you wanna download this paper you can Download here, but you have to write the source you take. because this paper belong my classmate. their assignment. they are  Amanah, Netty and Ika. We should appreciate their time, their work because before make  the Mindmap , their must have done the theory. 

You could visit PGBI MATHEMATICS For more 

Amy Baidi

My name is Ummi Santria, I'm full time teacher and part time blogger who lived in Yogyakarta. I try to stay close to what keeps I feeling alive

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