After Rain

from green to green
You know, if a rain go down when you are walking around or maybe you wanna go to campus. and you think twice about  go or skip the class. Stupid you! Hujan kan the most of created by god you know. Kenapa mesti takut sama hujan. Kenapa harus menggerutu kepada hujan. Kenapa mesti you leave all your plans because the rain. Poor you! Kenapa kamu nggak cari solution yang tepat untuk musim hujan. There are so many umbrella do you want. About the colour of umbrella? Thats not problem.
If you walking using umbrella, you can met something new on the road. and me? Ouwhh, don’t ask me about that! Because I do.

Amy Baidi

My name is Ummi Santria, I'm full time teacher and part time blogger who lived in Yogyakarta. I try to stay close to what keeps I feeling alive

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