FUCKYEAHKOREANDRAMAQUOTES " I believe that if we met once, we are fated to meet again " -Kim Yoon Hee in 'Love Rain...
Actually, July hasn't came. But, becoz today I don't have anything to do, so I make this header for July. hahah, Look! How clever...
OUR SECOND DESTINATION IN SOLO CITY Masih dihari yang sama. Saturday, 5 July 2012. Our second destination is Pasar Triwindu! Pasa...
MY FIRST DESTINATION IN SOLO CITY 5 May 2012. Yap! Waktu itu saturday saya pergi ke kota solo with my friends. Hesty, Putri and A...
I feel good. because there is you all. I know, life isn't a movie. but, one thing I know about life. that I don't need man...
Kedewasaan seseorang tidak bisa dinilai dari angka umurnya. Tapi jalan pikirannya. HAPPYSWEETTWENTY! yeay! inget put inget! udah twe...
Malam setelah FKY pada siang dan sore hari dilaksanakan. Dan dikarenakan gue kuliah, Jadi bisanya nonton pas malemnya ajah. Ini band-ba...
Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others wiyhout getting a few drops on yourself Ralph Waldo Emerson REMEMBER, Happiness i...
Maybe someday I get my lil sunshine. Now, I don't have any. not yet. He is somewhere in beautiful place. and I can't see h...
Sunday Morning makes me wanna go out from home. It is sunday you know! I mean, We should do something like a sports. I met something n...
"Apa itu segiempat?" (tanya pak dosen ke mahasiswa) karena gue adalah mahasiswi. jadi gue nggak mau jawab. Yang lain pada...
source: http://www.missivemaven.com/ Dear someone who underestimate me, Suatu saat kau akan tahu betapa hebatnya diriku. Bukan bera...
In front of my house, I have 3x3 large in my park. not really large. but there is a little flower between grass. I don't know what nam...
"Why do stars fall down from the sky. everytime you walk by. Just like me, they long to be close to you " The carpenters -...
Poor me! My bangle is broken. how hurt am I. Even if I have the other bangles, I stay love this bangle. #bangle #green #whatever
My new header for JUNE. I don't think too much to create it. I just explore my past idea for this header. and this is the result. is n...
#chibimarukochan is not chibi like a cherrybell. everybody know it.
Arsip Blog
- FYKDQuotes : Love Rain
- Everytime, Everywhere
- July Hasn't Came
- Kota Solo : Pasar Triwindu
- Kota Solo : Taman Balekambang
- When I Wanna Touch The Sun
- HappyBirthdayPutri
- FKY at a glance
- REBLOG : Happiness is
- You're My Lil Sunshine
- Dew in The Morning
- Emosinya Anak Kelas
- Dear Someone Who Underestimate Me,
- The Beautiful Plant
- Part of 'I FOR YOU's novel
- Green Bangle
- My header blog for JUNE
- Chibimaruko Chan