WallSticker for Saklar

     Yeah, You know what I feel if you have seven week holiday. Its really makes me bored. So, I just fill my time with create wall stickers for my home in Jogja. Well, I created many wall sticker. But, because I was here. In Bekasi. So, I only can take one picture wall sticker that I made. To create this wall sticker is so easy. You just buy a skotlite. And formed like that.

Amy Baidi

My name is Ummi Santria, I'm full time teacher and part time blogger who lived in Yogyakarta. I try to stay close to what keeps I feeling alive

2 komentar:

  1. Wahhh keren..
    Ngga perna kepikiran untuk nempel stiker :D
    Yang banyak poster :p

    1. thankyouu annisa :D
      you should try to create it.
      its easy.


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