Ten 2 Five Reunion with Jogja 2012

location: TBY 
    Yupp, 22 March 2012 Thursday. Ten2Five visit to jogja. The concert presented by UII. When my campus makes concert like that? I don’t know. Well, just thousand seat available. And me? I just buy fest ticket. 30k. I think isn’t too expensive. Me and my best ever wanna heard imel sing their song secara live, makes me interested.
    Tiket udah ditangan. Just come and watch. Tapi perjuangan untuk nontonnya ini yang I never ever forget it. You know, ada kuliah tambahan di malam hari until eight o’clock. But, the lecturer wanna addition again until nine o’clock. What the . . . (anything). I’m so disappointed. The concert begin seven o’clock. Poor me! Cuma bisa pasrah.

      Jam 9 selesai, I don’t think too much around me. Me and my friend. Hesty. In hurry to go to the concert. And she wanna dinner before watch. Wow, I just follow her. And after that. Kita keujanan dijalan. Sampai TBY (Taman Budaya Yogyakarta), thanks god! Ten2Five begin the concert yet. So, kita tepat banget datangnya. Although we didn’t watch band-band opening-nya. Its not important to us.
     Really-really don’t make me disappointed. Her voice so amazing. Sama banget dengan apa yang didenger di mp3. Wow, imel bener-bener buat gue speechless. There're 6 songs. You, ada rahasia, love is you, my world is full of you, Jika, and the last, ‘I will fly’. Single terbarunya Jika. Its so Galau. So, you shouldn’t heard this song when morning. 

Amy Baidi

My name is Ummi Santria, I'm full time teacher and part time blogger who lived in Yogyakarta. I try to stay close to what keeps I feeling alive

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